Tuesday, November 27, 2007

1st Semester Tech Coaching Duty Reflection

“First Semester Technology Coaching Reflection” by Tony Miller, FHS Business Teacher

Throughout the first quarter of the Fall Semester, during my tech coaching time and preparatory time, I met with the business department training them how to use the Gradebook system, Apperson scanning equipment and how to scan tests/quizzes into the Gradebook system. Also, I tested the item analysis reporting software and will initiate that training to staff as needed for summative or formative assessment analysis for SIP or CLS.
During the 1st Quarter, I met with Ron Cregier (EPAS coordinator) on a weekly basis training him on importing Crystal Reports into Microsoft Access (database software) to run “queries” to extract data for formative assessment analysis for SIP and CLS within our PLCs. I periodically met with him as well as Dave Yates on how to use digital camcorder equipment and video editing software and DVD burning software capabilities. This will be utilized not only in their video taping of classroom observations but also in the varsity basketball programs that they are involved in.

As a tech coach, I met with Chad Jonas to learn the features of the CPS (Classroom Performance System). I helped Chad trouble-shoot the system and provided assistance to him on how to import ExamView files into the CPS system. Chad Jonas then presented the use of CPS in the classroom to teachers from FHS, PHS, and CHS on our Late-Start Days on October 23, 2007.
During the 2nd quarter I have implemented a blogging activity at: http://millermanagement.blogspot.com/ which will be a classroom case study activity for my management students on giving them a hands-on learning experience on how to manage work related situations. This blog will enable students to gain other perspectives from other students as well as give them an “arena” to voice their opinions in writing for later class discussion. It gives students a voice who may not feel comfortable expressing themselves in an open-classroom environment.

Finally, throughout the semester I have continued to navigate teacher websites in building a “collage” of teacher-created websites or web pages and how they are integrated into classroom instruction. This is on-going process being developed in the following website: http://www.fhs.d211.org/departments/be/amiller/integrating_technology/.

Throughout the semester, I have worked with my business education department on various office application software and webpage design skills that they can implement into their instruction or classroom management practices.

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